Entities & foreign energies
You may or may not be aware of interfering energies or entities. a lot of negative self talk, like telling yourself you can’t or you’re not capable, or other negative self-talk, or being really tired, or every time you’re just about to break loose or break free to the next level of success or health or wealth, something weird happens and the great chance disappears? Maybe this has gone on so long you thought that’s just the way things are, yet you have a sense, or a hope, that something else is possible.
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If you are aware of entitles – cold spots, chills, clumsy, neck- and/or head-aches, almost getting the job/thing/relationship but at the last minute it disappears and more - but you don’t feel equal to them, don’t feel like you can have seniority with them, then you can feel pretty overwhelmed, threatened or scared, this may be the session you’ve been looking for.
On this call I can see what kind of foreign energies are interfering with you and start to clear the field, so you can be more in your own physical body and space, and start regaining your own sovereignty in every area of your life and living.
The clearer you are, the more you are You, your Infinite Self, a light being, the more You have your back, the more serendipity, amazing “coincidences,” happy “accidents,” and ease you get to have.
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There cart has been glitchy and every time we think it’s fixed, it works, then doesn’t so we have the above work around. To provide you with a path of least resistance, here are two methods of signing up. How does it get any better than this?
You may or may not be aware of interfering energies or entities. a lot of negative self talk, like telling yourself you can’t or you’re not capable, or other negative self-talk, or being really tired, or every time you’re just about to break loose or break free to the next level of success or health or wealth, something weird happens and the great chance disappears? Maybe this has gone on so long you thought that’s just the way things are, yet you have a sense, or a hope, that something else is possible.
Click here to Purchase
If you are aware of entitles – cold spots, chills, clumsy, neck- and/or head-aches, almost getting the job/thing/relationship but at the last minute it disappears and more - but you don’t feel equal to them, don’t feel like you can have seniority with them, then you can feel pretty overwhelmed, threatened or scared, this may be the session you’ve been looking for.
On this call I can see what kind of foreign energies are interfering with you and start to clear the field, so you can be more in your own physical body and space, and start regaining your own sovereignty in every area of your life and living.
The clearer you are, the more you are You, your Infinite Self, a light being, the more You have your back, the more serendipity, amazing “coincidences,” happy “accidents,” and ease you get to have.
Click here to Purchase
There cart has been glitchy and every time we think it’s fixed, it works, then doesn’t so we have the above work around. To provide you with a path of least resistance, here are two methods of signing up. How does it get any better than this?
You may or may not be aware of interfering energies or entities. a lot of negative self talk, like telling yourself you can’t or you’re not capable, or other negative self-talk, or being really tired, or every time you’re just about to break loose or break free to the next level of success or health or wealth, something weird happens and the great chance disappears? Maybe this has gone on so long you thought that’s just the way things are, yet you have a sense, or a hope, that something else is possible.
Click here to Purchase
If you are aware of entitles – cold spots, chills, clumsy, neck- and/or head-aches, almost getting the job/thing/relationship but at the last minute it disappears and more - but you don’t feel equal to them, don’t feel like you can have seniority with them, then you can feel pretty overwhelmed, threatened or scared, this may be the session you’ve been looking for.
On this call I can see what kind of foreign energies are interfering with you and start to clear the field, so you can be more in your own physical body and space, and start regaining your own sovereignty in every area of your life and living.
The clearer you are, the more you are You, your Infinite Self, a light being, the more You have your back, the more serendipity, amazing “coincidences,” happy “accidents,” and ease you get to have.
Click here to Purchase
There cart has been glitchy and every time we think it’s fixed, it works, then doesn’t so we have the above work around. To provide you with a path of least resistance, here are two methods of signing up. How does it get any better than this?
Signs you may have entities interfering with you: headaches, neck and shoulder pain, upset stomach, low back pain, or when things are about to get really good, something comes out of right field and things fall apart, or you have accidents, or you get sick and can’t engage, or something completely different happens that prevents the really good for happening, or saying.
These interfering entities can and should be brought to consciousness, communicated with and cleared. You are not meant to suffer in life.
You can feel lighter, brighter and more hopeful that maybe you have been in a very long time, or ever. And you can live that way going forward, knowing what to do if any of that energy comes around again.
After you purchase the session, you’ll receive an email and we’ll get you scheduled. You will receive an MP3 within 24 hours after the call. The more often you reply the MP3, the deeper the energetic changes can get.